How do orcas prey on the largest shark on earth?

Killer Whale swimming in ocean

Killer Whales Are the Top Apex Predator in the Ocean

Recently, a lot of information has been in the media about orcas, commonly known as killer whales, learning to hunt and kill great white sharks to eat their livers. Now, a groundbreaking study has revealed shocking new details about orcas hunting one of the ocean’s most massive creatures—the whale shark. These apex predators have developed a specialized technique to target and kill the world’s largest fish, and the findings might change what we know about orca behavior. After reading the research, don’t miss our Q+A with one of the study authors, Erick Higuera.

How Do Orcas Hunt Whale Sharks?

A team of scientists in Mexico discovered that a specific group of orcas in the Gulf of California uses a unique hunting method to prey on whale sharks. These highly intelligent predators focus on the sharks’ pelvic area to access their nutrient-rich liver. One male orca, named Moctezuma, along with several female pod members, has been linked to most of these attacks. The research suggests that this pod may specialize in hunting sharks and rays—known as elasmobranchs.

Orcas hunting and killing whale shark - earning killer whale name

Can Orcas Really Kill Whale Sharks?

Yes! Whale sharks can grow up to 60 feet (18 meters)—almost twice the size of an orca. Yet, in November 2024, a study by Francesca Pancaldi, Kathryn A. Ayres, Austin J. Gallagher, James Moskito, Kelsey C. Williamson, and Jesus Erick Higuera Rivas confirmed that they hunt, kill, and eat whale sharks. This is strong evidence that orcas are capable of taking down these gentle giants with strategic and coordinated attacks.

How do Orcas hunt?

Orcas are known for their clever and diverse hunting strategies. They’ve been observed:

  • Chasing and disabling fish
  • Stranding seals on beaches
  • Karate-chopping sharks like threshers and hammerheads
  • Tossing sevengill sharks into the air
  • Tail-slapping stingrays
  • Corralling rays into tight groups

They also hunt great white sharks! But now, scientists have observed them preying on whale sharks near La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, revealing a new level of predatory intelligence.

Killer whales preying on whale sharks

The attack strategy

Between May 2018 and May 2024, scientists analyzed four orca attacks on whale sharks using photographs and video evidence. In three of the attacks, Moctezuma—a 26-foot (8-meter) male orca—led a group of mainly female and juvenile orcas in hunting a 20-foot (6-meter) juvenile whale shark.

In the fourth attack, Moctezuma wasn’t present, and only four female orcas and one juvenile participated. They took down a 16.5-foot (5-meter) whale shark using the same strategy:

  1. Circling the shark and swimming toward it at high speed
  2. Ramming into the shark to stun and immobilize it
  3. Biting near the pelvic fins to drain its blood quickly
  4. Flipping the shark onto its back, making it defenseless
  5. Extracting and sharing its large, fatty liver—a prime source of nutrition

A whale shark’s liver can be over 5 feet (1.5 meters) long, making it an energy-packed meal for orcas.

What Did Scientists Learn?

This study confirms that some orcas specialize in hunting sharks. It also shows that orcas target specific weak points, such as the pelvic fins, where an unprotected artery gives them quick access to the liver. Juvenile whale sharks are more vulnerable because their skin is thinner, making it easier for orcas to pierce.

Orcas are incredibly smart—they have the largest brain-to-body ratio of any apex predator. This intelligence allows them to strategize and successfully hunt massive prey like whale sharks.

Orcas hunting, killing, and eating whale shark

Why is this Research Important?

Understanding orca hunting behavior helps protect both whale sharks and orcas. Whale sharks are endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and they are protected by Mexican law. These gentle giants are most common in La Paz, Mexico, from October to May, which happens to be the same time orcas are present—putting them at even greater risk.

This study also highlights the power of citizen science. Tourists captured many of the images and videos that scientists used for their research. This proves that anyone can contribute to marine science—you don’t need to be a scientist to make a difference!

Be sure to check out the Q+A with one of the study authors, Erick Higuera.

You can read the full study here.

Summary of the scientific article written by Anna Keefer, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Thought and Practice Double Major at the University of Virginia and Shark Angels Intern

Scientific Study: Killer whales (Orcinus orca) hunt, kill and consume the largest fish on Earth, the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), 2024