Why Sharks Are Important

sharks are important to the ecosystem

Written by Golda Stewart

Have you ever wondered why sharks are important? Sharks are important for several ecological and environmental reasons – sharks maintain biodiversity and food webs and keep our largest ecosystems our oceans healthy.

Sharks Maintain Biodiversity and Food Webs

As apex predators, sharks regulate the balance of marine ecosystems by controlling the populations of prey species.[4] By keeping prey populations in check, sharks prevent ecosystem imbalances that can occur when certain species become overabundant, leading to cascading effects throughout the food web.[1,3] Sharks also contribute to biodiversity by occupying various niches in marine ecosystems. Over millions of years, they have evolved to occupy specific ecological roles, such as top predators or scavengers. Their interactions with other species, influencing prey behavior or shaping community structure, are essential for maintaining ecosystem health and resilience.[2,4]

Ecosystem Health and Resilience

Not only do sharks regulate prey populations, but they also prey on sick, old, and weak fish. This helps prevent disease dispersal and promotes healthy gene pools within fish populations [1,3]. Sharks are considered indicator species, meaning their presence or absence can reflect the overall health of marine ecosystems.[4] Their sensitivity to environmental changes, pollution, and habitat degradation makes them important indicators of ecosystem health. Declines in shark populations can be a warning sign of larger ecological issues. Studies have demonstrated that sharks serve as ecosystem regulators. By promoting stability and resilience within ecosystems, sharks could contribute to mitigating climate change and the impacts of severe weather occurrences.[2]

Despite their importance, shark populations are facing numerous threats, primarily from human activities such as shark finning, overfishing, bycatch, and pollution. Ocean and shark conservation efforts are essential to protect these marine creatures and the ecosystems they inhabit.


  1. The important role of sharks. National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. (2019, July 31). https://marinesanctuary.org/blog/the-important-role-of-sharks/
  2. McKeever, A. (2021, July 27). The surprising ways sharks keep the ocean healthy. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/surprising-ways-sharks-keep-the-ocean-healthy
  3. Márquez, M. C. (2019, March 26). Why sharks matter. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/
  4. Rosciszewski-Dodgson, M. J., Cirella, G. T. (2021). Shark bite survivors advocate for non-lethal shark mitigation measures in Australia. AIMS Environmental Science, 8(6), 567–579. https://doi.org/10.3934/environsci.2021036