After Bites – Blue Shark Quiz

blue shark quiz by shark angels.

The blue shark is a pelagic species, meaning it lives in the open ocean. Pelagic sharks and rays represent only 6% (64 species) of the world’s total chondrichthyan (skeletons composed of cartilage) fish species.  Blue sharks can dive up to 1,148 feet (350 meters), and grow to be as long as 13 feet! This species is one of the most easily recognizable sharks due to its distinct blue color and its large pectoral fins, making it a favorite among photographers and shark enthusiasts alike.

You can read November’s Monthly Chomp before you take the quiz or dive in at your own risk.

Blue shark quiz.

After Bites-Blue Shark Quiz

1 / 10

True or False? The blue shark is a pelagic species.

blue shark.

2 / 10

Where can you dive with blue sharks?

diving with a blue shark.

3 / 10

Which nicknames have been given to the blue shark?

blue sharks.

4 / 10

What is the estimated lifespan of the blue shark?

blue shark teeth.

5 / 10

How long can blue sharks grow?

blue shark.

6 / 10

Where do blue sharks live?

blue shark habitat map.

7 / 10

When is the blue shark most active?

two blue sharks swimming.

8 / 10

True or False? The blue shark is viviparous, giving birth to live pups.

blue shark body.

9 / 10

What is the blue shark’s IUCN listing?

10 / 10

What is the biggest threat to the survival of the blue shark?

Blue shark close up.