After Bites – Cookiecutter Shark Quiz

Cookiecutter shark quiz.

The cookiecutter shark is a small, cigar-shaped, deep-water shark possessing a strong jaw. However, what makes this sharks uniqueness and distinguishes it from its close relatives is the way this jaw is used. They use their strong, jointed-together teeth by biting cookie-shaped chunks off large animals such as orcas, dolphins, great white sharks, tunas…and are the only known shark to feed that way. That’s not the only extraordinary feature of the cookiecutter shark though, as they’re also able to produce green light on their belly using photophores to blend with the sun or moonlight and hide from predators. We also know they spend their days in deep waters around 1000–3700 m (3,280–12,139 ft) and undergo a vertical migration up to 85 m (279 ft) to feed every night, rarely venturing to the surface.

You can read December’s Monthly Chomp before you take the quiz or dive in at your own risk.

cookiecutter shark quiz.

After Bites Cookiecutter Shark Quiz

1 / 10

What unique mechanism allows the cookiecutter shark to create its distinctive round wounds?

cookiecutter shark prey.

2 / 10

How do cookiecutter sharks typically avoid predators while migrating to shallow waters to feed?

3 / 10

What scientific term is used to describe the cookiecutter shark's mixed feeding strategy, which includes both parasitic bites and traditional hunting?

cookiecutter shark bite in dolphin.

4 / 10

How does the cookiecutter shark’s bioluminescence help it hunt?

5 / 10

What depth range does the cookiecutter shark typically inhabit during the day?

cookiecutter shark.

6 / 10

When was the cookiecutter shark first discovered, and where did this happen?

Jean Rene.

7 / 10

Which anatomical adaptation allows the cookiecutter shark to bite large animals despite its small size?

cookiecutter shark teeth.

8 / 10

Which of these is NOT a known victim of cookiecutter shark attacks?

coral reef.

9 / 10

Why does the cookiecutter shark swallow its old teeth after replacing them?

cookiecutter shark jaw.

10 / 10

What is the cookiecutter shark’s method of reproduction, and how are the embryos nourished?

shark embryo.