After Bites – Ghost Shark Quiz

ghost shark quiz.

Ghost Sharks are commonly referred to as Chimeras, which comes from Greek mythology, meaning monsters made of different body parts. This makes sense as the Ghost shark has the nostrils of a mammal and pectoral fins that they use like bird’s wings.

How well do you know the Ghost shark? Read October’s Ghost Shark Monthly Chomp before you take the quiz and learn all about the ghost shark.

ghost shark quiz.

After Bites-Ghost Shark

1 / 10

Where are Ghost sharks most commonly found?

dark underwater light.

2 / 10

True or false… Ghost sharks are Blind.

shark wearing sunglasses.

3 / 10

True or false… Ghost sharks are not actually sharks.

chimaera specimin.

4 / 10

What is the typical size of a Ghost shark?

ghost shark long nose.

5 / 10

What is the Ghost shark’s nickname?


6 / 10

True or false… Ghost sharks have scales.

ghost shark short nose.

7 / 10

What does the Ghost shark have for self defense?

ghost shark underwater.

8 / 10

How many species of Ghost sharks have been found so far?

ghost shark plow nose.

9 / 10

True or false… Ghost sharks are often bycatch.

loggerhead turtle bycatch.

10 / 10

What is the ICUN Listing of the Ghost shark?

red list logo iucnweb.