Shark Angels online auction.

Shark Angels Online Shark Charity Auction

Shark Angels annual charity auction is coming this summer! Dream big because your dream trip is just a bid away. All proceeds directly fund our work supporting shark research, mentoring aspiring scientists, advocating for shark conservation, and providing critical education to protect sharks and the oceans. 

Bernard showing kids stuffed shark.

Remembering The Klute

We are heartbroken to hear that our friend Bernard Schober, aka The Klute, has passed away. He was 49 years old, a slam poet and an ocean activist.

Shark adoption certificate.

Holiday Gift Guide

Here’s your opportunity to make your gift giving count. 100% of proceeds support Shark Angels work to save sharks. So this year, gift sustainably and give back to sharks, the oceans and our beautiful watery home.

Indo Board supports shark conservation.

It’s All About Balance

INDO BOARD is proud to announce our partnership with Shark Angels, one of the leading charities to provide protection and advocacy for sharks and our oceans.