Orcas, aptly named killer whales, are the ocean’s top apex predator. This mammal has developed a taste for sharks – and a unique way of hunting great white sharks.
Category: Monthly Chomp
Lemon Shark – Species in Focus
Ever wonder how a lemon shark got it’s name? Learn more about this incredible shark – including the fact that they are extremely social sharks that you are likely to see inshore in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Species in Focus – Frilled Shark
Frilled sharks are a mysterious deep-water shark, often called a “living fossil”. One of the oldest known shark species, they have been around seemingly unchanged for 80 million years.
Species in Focus – Cookiecutter Shark
The cookiecutter shark is a small, cigar-shaped, deep-water shark possessing a strong jaw. However, what makes this sharks unique and distinguishes it from its close relatives is the way this jaw is used.
After Bites – Blue Shark Quiz
How well do you know the Blue Shark? Take the 10 question quiz and find out.
Species in Focus – Blue Shark
One of the most easily recognizable sharks due to its distinct blue color and large pectoral fins, the blue shark is a favorite among photographers and shark enthusiasts..
Species in Focus – Ghost Shark
The Ghost shark, also known as Chimeras, are not actually sharks despite their name! The Ghost shark is a unique fish species closest related to sharks and rays.
Species in Focus: Silky Shark
Silky sharks are long & slender, known for their very shiny, smooth skin. While beautiful creatures, these animals are often put in danger because they get hunted for the shark fin trade.
Do All Sharks Mate the Same Way?
Regardless of their size or habitat. In this Monthly Chomp, we compare 3 different shark species: Small-Spotted Catshark, Oceanic Whitetip Shark and the Whale Shark. Do their behaviors change?
Species in Focus: Spotted Catshark
The spotted catshark is a small, coastal shark species and gets its name from the small, black spots covering its gray-brownish body. Learn more about this shark species.