scalloped hammerhead shark featured in monthly shark newsletter by SharkAngels.

Species in Focus: Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

Scalloped hammerheads have a uniquely shaped cephalofoil that resembles the shell of a scallop. Their large complex brain is the source of their social intelligence, intricate migrations, and athletic capture of prey.

Nurse shark featured in monthly chomp shark newsletter.

Species in Focus: Nurse Shark

The nurse shark is a slow-moving bottom dwelling shark and is known for being a calm, docile species and not aggressive towards humans. Nurse sharks are one of the most popular shark species to swim with, they have minimal energy, and love to cuddle up with other nurse sharks!

leopard shark featured in Monthly Chomp newsletter from Shark Angels.

Species in Focus: Leopard Shark

The Leopard Shark is common in very shallow water and their keen sense of electroreception helps them find prey in low visibility, which is then pulled into the mouth by a rapid, muscular suction.

whale sharks featured in monthly chomp shark newsletter

Species in Focus: Whale Shark Wonders

Although it’s the biggest fish in the sea, the whale shark displays a docile temperament, making it an object of fascination and admiration for those fortunate enough to encounter it.