How does shark finning affect shark fishing?

Restaurants in the US serving shark fin soup

The imposed legislation on shark finning does not diminish the number of sharks targeted by fishing. Many policies around shark finning only disallow the removal of fins out at sea. Fins or no fins, sharks are still a commodity which generate profit across various global markets. Therefore, despite jurisdiction on finning, shark fishing remains an overbearing threat to ocean populations.

In December 2022, the United States Congress passed the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act. Though 13 US states and 3 US territories have banned the sale (and often the possession) of shark fins since the Act was passed, 32 US states are alleged to have restaurants currently offering shark fin soup or imitation shark fin soup on their menus.

Restaurants Currently Offering Shark Fin (or Imitation Shark Fin) Soup. Animal Welfare Institute. (Retrieved September 9, 2024).

Article written by Candace Drabeck, August 2024