cookiecutter shark - monthly shark newsletter.

Species in Focus – Cookiecutter Shark

The cookiecutter shark is a small, cigar-shaped, deep-water shark possessing a strong jaw. However, what makes this sharks unique and distinguishes it from its close relatives is the way this jaw is used.

Monthly Chomp Shark Newsletter featuring the Blue Shark.

Species in Focus – Blue Shark

One of the most easily recognizable sharks due to its distinct blue color and large pectoral fins, the blue shark is a favorite among photographers and shark enthusiasts..

Ghost shark - Shark Newsletter Monthly Chomp

Species in Focus – Ghost Shark

The Ghost shark, also known as Chimeras, are not actually sharks despite their name! The Ghost shark is a unique fish species closest related to sharks and rays.

Silky shark featured in Monthly Chomp shark newsletter.

Species in Focus: Silky Shark

Silky sharks are long & slender, known for their very shiny, smooth skin. While beautiful creatures, these animals are often put in danger because they get hunted for the shark fin trade.

Monthly Chomp Shark Newsletter - shark mating behaviors.

Do All Sharks Mate the Same Way?

Regardless of their size or habitat. In this Monthly Chomp, we compare 3 different shark species: Small-Spotted Catshark, Oceanic Whitetip Shark and the Whale Shark. Do their behaviors change?

Catshark quiz.

After Bites – Catshark Quiz

Test your knowledge and take the 10 question catshark quiz. Never heard of this shark before? No problem, read our July Monthly Chomp edition and learn all about the catshark.