What kind of shark are you? Blue Shark? Hammerhead? Great White? Whale Shark? Can you guess?
Latest News
Our World Oceans Day Online Auction for 2022 is Back! Get Great Deals and Help Change the Future for Sharks.
By bidding on these items and helping to spread the auction link, you can play a part in preserving this vital ecosystem.
Marine Marauderz Donate $50,000 (16.45 ETH)
Thank you so much for the Jawsome donation!
Crypto Sharks Launch New NFTS
Crypto Sharks is on a mission to combine crypto mining and DAOs with the conservation of our planet and its marine ecosystems.
Holiday Gift Guide
Here’s your opportunity to make your gift giving count. 100% of proceeds support Shark Angels work to save sharks. So this year, gift sustainably and give back to sharks, the oceans and our beautiful watery home.
It’s All About Balance
INDO BOARD is proud to announce our partnership with Shark Angels, one of the leading charities to provide protection and advocacy for sharks and our oceans.
The Top 10 Critically Endangered Sharks and Rays
It’s estimated that thousands of ocean species are threatened with extinction. Can you name all of the top 10 most critically endangered sharks and rays?
Turning Fear Into Fascination
Growing up with movies such as Jaws, you can’t help but think that sharks are foe and not friend. Movies, television and pop culture portray this crucial ocean animal as a man killing machine.
Species In Focus: Porbeagle Moms
Say the word “shark” and most people think of mindless monsters, cruising the waters looking for unsuspecting prey. You certainly don’t think of them as mothers.
Species In Focus: Tiger Sharks of the Bahamas
Does tourism alter tiger sharks behavoir in any way?