Test your shark IQ with our lemon shark trivia quiz. What do lemon sharks eat? What is their conservation status? Are lemon sharks dangerous? Are sharks smart? Where do lemon sharks live? If you read our Lemon Shark Monthly Chomp – you will be able to ace this shark quiz. Extra credit if you read the Lemon Shark Research Study: “Do Sharks have friends?” too! Take the lemon shark trivia quiz and then send it to a friend.
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How can I learn more to ace the shark quizzes?
Every month, Shark Angels features a shark species in focus so that you can build your shark knowledge. We work with our team of interns – all of whom are soon to be shark scientists – to create three educational pieces. From hammerheads to tigers and laterns to great whites, we examine the well-known, the weird, and the coolest sharks. For each shark, you’ll find a detailed overview (Monthly Chomp), a research study, and also a shark trivia quiz (After Bites) like this lemon shark trivia quiz.
Want to receive the Monthly Chomp right in your inbox?
Each month we focus on a new shark species, with an overview, cool shark facts that you didn’t know, where to see them in their own habitat, and an easily understandable summary of current research on the shark species. Plus, you’ll get ways to take action for shark conservation and help this species thrive! Check out the shark species full list here.
Shark science = better shark smarts
Then if you want to learn more about what these shark scientists discovered while out in the field, visit the Shark Science section to read the full articles. Some of the issues are plastics, migration patterns, breaching, weather and climate change or just weird and cool characteristics of sharks. Then you’ll ace the shark trivia quiz.