Species in Focus – Blue Shark

Monthly Chomp Shark Newsletter featuring the Blue Shark.

The blue shark is a pelagic species, meaning it lives in the open ocean. Pelagic sharks and rays represent only 6% (64 species) of the world’s total chondrichthyan (skeletons composed of cartilage) fish species.  Blue sharks can dive up to 1,148 feet (350 meters), and grow to be as long as 13 feet! This species is one of the most easily recognizable sharks due to its distinct blue color and its large pectoral fins, making it a favorite among photographers and shark enthusiasts alike.

blue sharks underwater.


Scientific NamePrionace glauca

Size – Pups (babies) are measured at 15in/40cm length at birth, and can grow up to 7ft/2m long as adults. Some blue sharks have been recorded as long as 13ft/4m and weighing up to 450lbs/200kg pounds!

Habitat – temperate and tropical waters around the world, and off of every continent except Antarctica.

Diet: Small bony fishes such as herring and sardines and invertebrates such as squid, cuttlefish and pelagic octopi. Dead whales and turtles. Most active feeding time is early evening and night.

Reproduction – Female blue sharks have a gestation period (pregnancy) between 9 and 12 months, and can give birth to litters of 34 pups. Blue sharks are viviparous, which means they nourish their young while in the uterus via a placenta (much like human beings) before giving birth to live pups.

Lifespan – 15-20 years.

IUCN Listing – Near threatened since 2018.

Threats – Due to the large size of its fins, the blue shark is one of the primary species hunted by fishermen for the shark fin trade. The blue shark’s population trend is decreasing and experiences extreme fluctuations.

Protection – While the blue shark is both the most abundant and the most heavily fished pelagic shark, there are no limits on the catch of this species in the European Union (EU). Additionally, none of the major Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) have adopted catch (or bycatch) limits for the blue shark, either. However, in the UK, the blue shark is listed as a Priority Species under the UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework. Unless global conservation efforts are enacted, the population of the blue shark species will continue to decline. 

Conservation – Unfortunately, the blue shark is not protected by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).  The blue shark’s “Near Threatened” IUCN listing means that it does not qualify for Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU) now, but is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.

Bet You Didn’t Know…

  1. Female blue sharks have skin nearly twice as thick as males, believed to be an adaptation for the rough nature of mating.
  2. Blue sharks have several nicknames including “blue whaler”, and “blue dog” or “puppies of the sea” due to its inquisitive nature.
  3. Blue sharks are one of the fastest growing sharks! Males generally reach maturity between 4 and 6 years old, and females between 5 and 7 years old.
  4. Prey is less aware and more vulnerable in the dark, making it easier for sharks to find and catch food. Because of this, blue sharks are most active during the early evening and at night.

blue shark picture.
diving with blue sharks.

Ready To Dive In?

  • The Azores, Portugal: July-early October.
  • New England: August-September.
  • Cabo San Lucas, Mexico: January-May.
  • Cape Town, South Africa: November-June.
  • Cornwall, United Kingdom: June-October.

Science In The Spotlight

A new study researching population and demographic history was published in June of 2024.

Check out how this study can help protect the blue shark.

blue shark swimming.
Video provided by C2G2 Productions
blue shark quiz.

After Bites Blue Shark Quiz

Take the quiz and test your new found knowledge.

Written by Candace Drabeck, Everglades University student majoring in Marine Resources and Management and Shark Angels Intern. Photos by Andy Murch and C2G2 Productions.

Together Gui Garcia and Cathryn Castle Garcia are C2G2 Productions, a multimedia communications company. At C2G2 Productions, their goal is to help you package the visual wonder and passion of your story—your book, your film, your product or project—in a way that excites the mind and stirs the heart. And puts money in your pocket.