This monthly shark quiz will test your shark smarts! Can you answer 10 questions about the Scalloped Hammerhead shark? Need to study up? Read our monthly chomp shark newsletter.
Tag: monthly chomp
Species in Focus: Nurse Shark
The nurse shark is a slow-moving bottom dwelling shark and is known for being a calm, docile species and not aggressive towards humans. Nurse sharks are one of the most popular shark species to swim with, they have minimal energy, and love to cuddle up with other nurse sharks!
Species in Focus: Leopard Shark
The Leopard Shark is common in very shallow water and their keen sense of electroreception helps them find prey in low visibility, which is then pulled into the mouth by a rapid, muscular suction.
Species In Focus: Bigeye Thresher Shark
The Bigeye Thresher shark is known for its unique appearance, with an extremely large caudal fin roughly half the length of its entire body, and its very large eyes.
Species in Focus: Basking Shark’s Good Side
Did you know that Basking sharks breach? And when they do they breach to one side? Do you know why? Learn more about the second largest fish in the world.
Species in Focus: Great White Shark – Sharksafe Barriers
Can magnets replace shark nets? What did these shark scientists learn?
Species In Focus: Tiger Sharks of the Bahamas
Does tourism alter tiger sharks behavoir in any way?