Guess How Many People Die From Shark Encounters?

Should we fear sharks? Infographic.

Sharks really do not want to eat you, even with hot sauce.

100 million sharks are killed every year. Most are killed by commercial fishermen for their fins and flesh.

But only 5 people on average worldwide die from sharks every year.

That’s one in 3.7 million chance of being killed by a shark.

Number of other unlikely deaths per year compared to shark deaths infographic.

Most sharks are not dangerous to humans — people are not part of their natural diet. Despite their scary reputation, sharks rarely ever attack humans and would much rather feed on fish and marine mammals. Only about a dozen of the more than 300 species of sharks have been involved in attacks on humans.

And why is that? Mistaken identity.

Shark Species facts:

Mako Habanero Pepper Sauce:
Mako sharks are the fastest sharks in the ocean capable of reaching speeds up to 40 miles per hour and feed on bluefish, swordfish, tuna, marine mammals, and other sharks. They have to be that fast if they want to catch a tuna!

Hammerhead Two Pepper Sauce:
The hammerhead has a unique trait – its hammer shaped head called a cephalofoil which has tiny receptors that can pinpoint any creature lying in the sand. Its fav food are stingrays, but they also prey on sharks, squid, octopuses, and crustaceans.

Great White Ghost Pepper Sauce:
Great whites are top predators but did you know that they are afraid of Orcas? In fact, Orcas, the only white shark predator, feed on just their livers – which are over 40% of their body! When great whites hunt seals they leap out of water and that’s called breaching.

Thresher Red Savina Sauce:
Thresher sharks use their long tail fins to stun their prey. It can sling its tail over its head at 30 miles an hour. You wouldn’t even see it coming, but don’t worry humans are not on their menu.

Spinner Scotch Bonnet Sauce:
Spinner sharks catch dinner primarily bony fish by opening their mouths, cruising through the water and leaping out it! Yeah that’s a good party trick.

Tiger Jalapeno Pepper Sauce:
Tiger sharks stripes fade as they get older and are known to be the garbage cans of the sea. All kinds of weird things have been found inside their bellies like boots, license plates and even a suit of armor.